The boss speaks!

Everyone is an expert. Myself included. Let me tell you why: These current circumstances have brought many things to light, but left many of us in the dark at the end of the day. The unknown has many business owners looking for a way to survive-whether its abandoning ethics, online programming, sticking it to the man- “We’ve been open this whole time” (because we like money more than we like public safety) or suing because life’s not fair. We have seen the fitness community pander to their audience for as long as I can remember (and now I am one of the old dogs in this industry). Making promises that cannot be kept. Promising 6 weeks to your dream body, a perfect ass and, thus, a perfect life. Social media has every lady and guy who’s set foot in a gym thinking that they’ll be the next influencer. Trying to set themselves apart by becoming a carbon copy of every wanna-be-insta-model. Scroll through and you know what you’ll see. Filtered duck faces, accounts who are recognizable only by butt shots and canned biblical / inspirational quotes. If you’ve got 2 hours to invest in your insta-content, you’ve got 2 hours to invest in the content of your character. That’s what the fitness world has devolved into. I, as many of you, have watched it in dismay. We have taken something truly worthwhile and turned it into a contest that rewards only quick fixes and vanity. What do we have to show for it? More obesity. More diabetes. More heart disease. More depression. These fitness sales people who advertise 6 weeks to a sweet ass, 6 weeks to a flatter tummy, 6 weeks to achieve every fitness goal you’ve ever dreamed of... They are liars. They are feeding on and monetizing your insecurity. No one wants to hear the truth. No one wants to hear that to make the “GAINZ” you actually have to put in the work. Consistently. Day after Day. Year after Year. Decade after Decade. You may have to sweat or grunt or make ugly faces or god forbid, if you’re a lady... you may have to get aggressive. You may have to accept that you are a work in progress and you always will be. And that’s good. You may have to realize that it isn’t your place to force others to accept you, nor do you have to accept everyone else. Some people are assholes. As a lady, it is difficult to watch other strong, empowered ladies prey on the insecurities of other ladies. Your bullshit 6 week programs don’t work and you know it. And yet, you’ll sell the shit out of that program and tell yourself you’re empowering other ladies. You’ll post it on the insta with a nice inspirational quote to go along with it. And then all your clients fall off the wagon, feel like failures and come back for another useless program. Repeat, repeat, repeat. You’re wondering when I’ll get to the point? We are seeing the “coaches, trainers, influencers” crawl out of the wood work with their new at home programs, exercises of the day, ... to keep you engaged. Don’t forget about the person you’re paying to keep you in line, even though you can’t physically see them! You won’t see us do that. Why don’t we offer 6 week programs? At home work out ideas? Why are we selective to a fault as to who we allow to work as trainers in our facilities? Because we respect our members. We respect your intelligence and we respect your ability to make the progress you chose to make. You get out what you put in. It’s as simple as that. We provide the tools for success. Nothing fancy, just weights, a few really cool implements (who else has an H SQUAT?!!) and some encouraging words for those who need it.


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