We Hate This More Than You Do…


This may only be a single step beyond drunken rambling but we have had sufficient member contacts, inquiries, cancellations, and propositions in the last 18 hours to warrant a more thorough description of where we stand as a gym and as a local business.  You will find that I will bounce between “I” and “we” freely, which is terrible form but necessary to convey the point.  We generally maintain a demeanor and presentation that is palatable and appropriate for most audiences but there is likely to be a departure from that as this little tirade unfolds.  This may prove to be valuable to all of us in the sense that everyone will know exactly the folks they’re supporting; or there will be enough information to solidify the need for a separation.  And if nothing else, maybe there is some value to continued discussion about the larger issues we are all facing.

As life has unfolded, “the gym” has meant different things to Kate and I but for both of us, it has been an indescribably important coping mechanism and source of growth.  I refer to our own time spent lifting, socializing, and being generally active within any of the gyms we have attended.  Formative experiences, you could say.  We elected to endeavor into opening our own gym not long ago and have been absolutely thrilled with what has grown from that little idea.  A great group in a great facility.  People experiencing some of the positives that we experienced along the way.  General good health and good fun.  With this, I have often joked that owning a gym is the Fisher-Price of business.  It is the point at which you try monetize being a meathead and give back some of the experiences you were fortunate enough to have.  No Eller, kamikaze financials, and bookkeeping that keeps our tax guy very, very annoyed with us.  But it has worked!  The idea that this isn’t a real business is fun but it also loosely relates to the bigger idea that while the gym is wildly important to all of us, it is still just a gym.  Simultaneously a genuinely vital outlet and a silly luxury.  This COVID adventure is forcing us to recognize the latter essence of the gym – luxury.  From what we have read, seen, and experienced, that recognition is not coming easily to any of us.  We are clinging to the gym.  We are looking for loopholes.  We are bargaining.  We are distracting ourselves from the larger concerns while trying to cling to one of the remaining constants we love.  These are all fair things but the purpose of this little write-up is to blend our plans as owners, our plans as a gym group, and our needs as a group within society.  Let’s mozy into the weeds a bit…

Specifically, gym closure. Broadly, civil liberties and virology? epidemiology? rights?  Shit, I don’t know.  Whatever your stance is, that is fair.  I think we would all do well to shut up and read a bit before we continue to share opinions, articles, and memes but we have literal trillions of dollars in apps, marketing, and media guiding us not to think critically.  How does that relate a podunk gym in Tucson and why is this goon writing to you about it?  Because I have a personal interest, as this has strained us all personally.  We have a financial interest, as this could have significant fallout for us and many others.  We all have a health interest and a small financial interest – trading cash for goods/services.  These interests are what drive folks to bargain for a special entry, to cancel, to recommend we rebel or stick it to the man.  I dig it.  Man, I dig it..!  But our little gym isn’t the issue – the issue is much bigger.  And it doesn’t matter whether the virus is the issue, or the election, or the bat, or the Wuhan lab, or the Clinton testimony, or whether the current AZ Order is fair.  Zero of those items matter because the wheels are in motion.  Your bullshit “rebellion” or someone’s desire to do curls, combined with any of our opinions on the “truth” of what is happening… None of it matters because we are in the system.  We can educate ourselves, share with others, and band together when we identify an appropriate, common goal.  In the meantime, though, we can’t complain this thing, whatever this thing is, into a more concrete reality nor can we shout it into a farce that fades away.  Something in the middle. 

I don’t know if that adds any clarity to our “why” but hopefully it does.  There is not enough information to speak or act in absolutes.  All we can do is adjust to the new information as it comes and hope we make the best decision possible.  We are doing that.  We are closing because even if this shit is unfair, inconvenient, and an overall raw deal, we need to make the safe moves.  There is no heroism in denouncing a virus.  There is no heroism in bench pressing when the Governor said you can’t.  There is, however, sensibility in thinking critically and attempting to do the most good with the information we have.

To be clear, we want to be open.  We don’t feel that this was, by any stretch, an appropriate action to curb the spread.  Again, we are all in a tumbler of politics, finance, economics, and power plays… All at the expense of people and businesses.  That ain’t right.  But it is, for this exact moment, our reality.



To summarize:

You may not agree with us, the Governor, or anything in between but I personally guarantee you that every decision Kate and I make in response to this evolving situation is thoroughly considered prior to execution.  Every. Single. One.  We will burn this thing down to maintain our integrity, whether that means a closure or an Alamo.  Please stop asking us to risk our business for your convenience and trust that we are running on all cylinders to maintain a gym that will be here not just now but for the long haul.  The gym is a piece of our whole – we have to weigh decisions against more than just a single building of equipment 

As well, we have contingencies in place for scheduled workouts, modified hours, and even mobile/off-site and outdoor gym options.  We are prepared to fully open in an hour or go full Mad Max if need be.  The road ahead will be dictated by the information that is to come and the immediate fallout in the next day or two.  The whole fitness industry throughout the state is in a frenzy and you should not react to a frenzy.  Identify, plan, execute. 



And one final recommendation…

I’m a patient guy.  Of my very few talents, entertaining fools and placating folks is one.  But if you ever feel that our facility is a safe place to voice your horseshit bias or prejudice, you’re barking up the wrong tree.  Keep that shit out of my gym.

Kate O'ReillyComment